High Standards

High Standards are based on state, national and professional standards.

The PCL model commits to adherence of the highest professional standards with regard to teachers, administrators and content. PCL coaches are trained in accordance with the International Literacy Association standards, InTASC (Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium), ISTE professional standards, Common Core State Standards and other national, state and local standards.

“A standard represents a goal for achieving proficiency on a specific task… These standards provide teachers with a tool for studying a student’s progress over time. How much new learning must the student acquire to reach the standard? Will the student need supplemental help fro a reading specialist? How can the teacher provide classroom support (e.g. small groups, individual conferences) in the needed areas These questions a focus attention of the relationship of teaching to learning, while recognizing that some children will require supplemental support to achieve proficiency on a particular standard. Here, it is important to note that the standard is not lowered; rather, the intensity of the support is maximized to accommodate the needs of the student.” (Shaping Literate Minds, 2001, p. 94)